Calls for Submissions: 2020 Writer’s Market and Guide to Literary Agents

Beginning today and running until 11:59 p.m. (Atlanta, Georgia time) on October 15, 2018, I’ll be accepting pitches for articles in the 2020 Writer’s Market and Guide to Literary Agents. I’ll start making assignments sometime that next week.

What I Like

So, what do I prefer? The best way to figure that out is to read a recent edition or two of Writer’s Market. Anyone familiar with the book will know that I’m looking for articles that will help freelancers find more success from a business perspective.

Previous articles have tackled queries, book proposals, synopses, taxes, record keeping, business management, and more. If you’re an experienced source and can interview other sources, that is ideal. However, I’m unlikely to assign featured interviews with writers (as I tend to tackle those myself).

Put yourself in the shoes of a freelance writer and think about what would help them find more success. That’s really the best way to understand what my target audience is most interested in reading.

As such, I’m not interested in articles on the craft of writing. While I think those pieces are extremely valuable, they’re just not a good fit for Writer’s Market. If you’re in doubt, go ahead and pitch it.

For Guide to Literary Agents, I’m searching for the best tips and advice for finding and landing the right literary agents to find success–both for writers of fiction and nonfiction. So articles on pitching, book proposals, synopses, sample chapters, and more.


Get published with Writer’s Market!

Get published with the latest and greatest edition of Writer’s Market Deluxe Edition, which includes all the book content you expect with Writer’s Market along with an activation code good for a one-year subscription to

In other words, it’s the best of both worlds!

The book and website list thousands of publishing opportunities with book publishers, consumer magazines, trade journals, contests and awards, literary agents, and more!

Click to continue.


How to Submit

Now that you know what I like, here are some guidelines on submitting:

  • Submit your pitch via e-mail in the body of the e-mail. I don’t like attachments.
  • Send your pitch to with the subject line: 2020 Writer’s Market Pitch or 2020 Guide to Literary Agents Pitch
  • Begin with your pitch (or pitches) BEFORE introducing yourself through your bio. While your experience will be important, I’m more interested in your article idea(s).
  • If you have more than one pitch, include them all in the same e-mail (labeled as pitch 1, pitch 2, etc.). Please avoid sending me several e-mail messages (even if you realize you included a typo in your original pitch).
  • That said, only pitch me for one book at a time. If you have great pitches for both Writer’s Market and Guide to Literary Agents, put each in separate e-mails to make easier for me to file for future reference.
  • Deadline: 11:59 p.m. (Atlanta, Georgia time) October 15, 2018.

Some Other FAQs

There are a few other questions potential writers ask each year. For instance, we do pay competitive rates for freelance articles. However, I don’t discuss those rates until the piece is assigned.

Freelancers for the book do receive a contributor copy, and we pay reprint fees for articles that are included in other editions of the book. Plus, we buy first rights–so it’s a writer-friendly deal.

Now, get to work thinking about what to pitch. I need great articles.


Robert Lee Brewer

Robert Lee Brewer is Senior Content Editor of the Writer’s Digest Writing Community. He edits the Writer’s Market and Poet’s Market books, writes a poetry column for Writer’s Digest magazine, maintains the Poetic Asides blog, co-hosts a podcast for writers with Brian A. Klems, speaks at conferences, leads online webinars and tutorials, and so much more.

Robert is also the author of Solving the World’s Problems, a poetry collection published by Press 53. A former Poet Laureate of the Blogosphere, he’s been a featured poet across the country at poetry events in Austin, Houston, Cleveland, Atlanta, and more.

Follow him on Twitter @RobertLeeBrewer.


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